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Malcolm Jameson
April 28, 1948 - September 6, 2013
Malcolm Keith Jameson
Malcolm passed away September 6, 2013. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta on April 28, 1948. He attended all his schooling, lived and worked in Edmonton his entire life. Malcolm worked for CN Railway and had a great passion for collecting model trains and their layout. He had a great faith in the Lord and was an ardent student of the bible. He was a very private person, but enjoyed his Radio Club, visiting with friends and family, and really enjoyed his trip to Ireland. He was predeceased by his parents Phyllis and Frank Jameson. Honorary Pallbearers are all of Malcolm’s family and friends. Memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Malcolm passed away September 6, 2013. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta on April 28, 1948. He attended all his schooling, lived and worked in Edmonton his entire life. Malcolm worked for CN Railway and had a great passion for collecting model trains and their layout. He had a great faith in the Lord and was an ardent student of the bible. He was a very private person, but enjoyed his Radio Club, visiting with friends and family, and really enjoyed his trip to Ireland. He was predeceased by his parents Phyllis and Frank Jameson. Honorary Pallbearers are all of Malcolm’s family and friends. Memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.